Snow Report

Slope & Snow Report

New Snowfall in past 24 hours: 0”
Base: 35”
Surface Conditions: Groomed
Open Trails: 25
Open Lifts: 3
Terrain Park: Sidewinder, Mini Park and BoarderCross Open

Lift Status

Sunkid (Short)Open Sunkid (Long)Closed
Chair 0Open Chair 1Closed
Chair 000Closed Chair 4Closed
Chair 3Open Chair 4 1/2Closed

Slope Status

Pete’s DragonOpen Pete’s Dragon IIOpen
Devil’s PlaygroundOpen Devil’s AlleyOpen
CirqueClosed The BurnsClosed
The MeadowsClosed Snowshoe / XC TrailClosed
Dante’s InfernoOpen Chicken RidgeOpen
Cauldron’s CutoffOpen The CauldronOpen
Dante’s CutoffOpen Devil’s Air ParkOpen
SidewinderClosed CyclopsOpen
Lower CyclopsOpen Cyclop’s ChuteOpen
The Serpent’s MogulOpen Lower SerpentOpen
The ZoneOpen The SerpentOpen
RevengeOpen Serpent’s EscapeOpen
Lower RevengeOpen Way BackOpen
Way OverOpen RoundaboutOpen
The GladeOpen The Outer LimitsOpen

KEY (definitions):

OPEN = Lift / Slope is available and scheduled to be open.

OPEN/PM = Lift / Slope is scheduled to be open this afternoon.

CLOSED = Lift / Slope is not open at this time.

TBD = Lift / Slope is scheduled to open but exact time is To Be Determined after snowmaking, grooming, or other maintenance is completed

CLOSED/SG = Slope CLOSED.  Snowmaking and / or Grooming operations in progress or continuing

AVAIL = Lift / is Available as needed   (# lifts operating will depend on # skiers in attendance and other factors)

OPEN/RACE = Lift/Slope is open for participants of a scheduled Racing Event

CLOSED/Build = Terrain Park(s) Closed AT THIS TIME for Maintenance or Construction

Note: Please Be Aware that snow conditions, lift and slope status, and weather conditions may vary change at any time for any reason. Thin / Icy / Wet areas may exist on slopes at any time. Base depth is variable

*Spring Skiing Conditions – During periods of warm weather “Spring Skiing Conditions” will exist.  Snow conditions can be wide ranging beginning with groomed frozen granular (fast) in the morning, then change over to soft wet granular snow (slow) in the afternoon as temps climb, then very quickly can change again to loose granular/icy (fast) as temps drop back down in the late afternoon and evening.  Even though the slopes are carefully and thoroughly groomed, and generally well covered, thin / icy / wet areas will exist on the slopes during Spring Skiing Conditions periods.

Lifts and Slopes marked with ** close by 4:30 pm daily – they are not lit for night skiing

Only Skis & Snowboards with edges, retention devices (bindings), and either safety leashes or ski brakes are allowed.  No toboggans, sleds, tubes, snow bikes, snow skates, or other similar snow “toys” are permitted on the lifts or slopes.

Always Ski & Ride In Control!

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